Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ms FrontPage

You all already know what a Web site is but just to recall website is a group of related Web pages that is hosted by an HTTP server on the World Wide Web. When you visit a Web site, you get information in the form of Web pages. A web page displays information in the form of text, graphics, or both. These Web pages are user-friendly and are interconnected with each other using hyperlinks. Well Ms FrontPage is one software commonly used to design, create, and edit a Web site. It is an application software that provides you with all the tools you need to create you own Web page/Web site and put it on the Web.
Ms FrontPage has gained popularity as a web-designing application as it does not require any knowledge of programming languages like Java, VB.Net, etc. This software has a list of templets and wizards that make web designing very simple. While using these templets and wizards, Ms FrontPage does most of the structural work for you, leaving you free to concentrate on the content of the Web site.

Starting Ms FrontPage

To start Ms FrontPage :
1. Select Start -> Programs -> Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003

2. Microsoft FrontPage opening screen appears

FrontPage Views

The Ms FrontPage opening screen has three major sections (in default setting) :

1. The view bar;
2. The folder list; and
3. The right window.

View Bar

The view bar appears, by default, down the left side of the screen. All your Web pages can be accessed using the view bar. You can work with you Web pages in any of the following views :

Page view

The Page view displays the individual document/page you are working on. This view allows you to make changes or adjustments to the content on that page. Depending on your specific needs, you can choose the four different types of page views.

Design view : designs and edits Web pages.
Code view : shows the HTML coding of the Web page. You can edit the HTML code here.
Split view : splits the screen into two halves. The upper half shows the HTML coding
and the lower half shows the Web page.
Preview : shows how the Web page will look in the Web browser.

Folders view

When you open a file in a page view, the contents of the folder ( which contains that file ) appear in the Folders views.
The folders view lets you easily access any file within the folder for editing, without having to switch from the page view to the folder view.

Remote web site view

You can use the Remote Web site view to publish an entire Web site or to selectively publish individual files.

Report view

The report view allows you to analyze the contents of a Web site after running a report query.

Navigation view

The navigation view provides you with a hierarchical view of your Web pages.This view enables you to arrange the pages on your Web site by clicking on a page and moving it to a new location on the Web site.

Hyperlinks view

The hyperlinks view shows the status of the hyperlinks on your Web site in a list.

Tasks view

Tasks view
displays all the tasks on your Web site in column format.

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